News from Others

A Note from Putt


I figure I'd take this opportunity to explain what's been happening.

I don't know if everybody was or is aware that I was identified as having cancer in December of 2005.

Pat and I decided to be completely open regarding the disease. We were going to be completely open, win or loose this battle because I had seen too many people "hide" when the word cancer is mentioned. It's just like any other disease, though a lot harder to fight

The cancer is a variety of an ampulary carcinoma cancer. A big set of words for a cancer that occurs in a small spot. A small spot between the stomach and the intestine, the duodenum, and occurs only a little bit of the time, (0.2% of all identified cancers).

The function of the duodenum is sort of like a “mixing bowl” of liver, and pancreas bile to that as the “food” goes into digestive track it can be “gobbled” up the intestine.

As I mentioned, the cancer is rare, and unlike other cancers like breast and colon cancers little has been identified as to how to treat it.

Recovery from the first two opeartions took about six months. During this time, I was on chemo. I got off this chemo on Halloween of 2006. Chemo looked like it worked.

In April 2007, when my surgeon opened me up to patch the fistula she identified that I had metastatic cancer of the liver (the cancer had spread from the duodenum to the liver -- originally it was stage three as one of the lymph nodes was "positive", so now it is stage four). She closed up the fistula, and closed me up.

Since April to now, I have had multiple attempts made at clobbering the cancer, none of which appear to be working and several with bad side-effects. Regretfully the situation is not really improving. So, I have a cancer about which little is known and which is not reacting to treatment.

Needless to say, my ability to “party down” is lacking as I spend a lot of my time sleeping, so I won't be attending.

Everybody have fun!


A Note from Audrey Mitchell


Thank you for the invitation. I am playing bridge at the SF nationals so I will not be able to attend. That is my loss.


A Note from Debbie McCloskey

Hi Louie,

I have been a bit out of touch this year, as I am divorcing the dead beat husband, and with 3 kids I do not have much time for me or activities for me.

Happy late birthday from Oct.

I do not plan to attend this year, because I am a downer. I know I will spring back but it is a bit rough right now... just need a little more time.

Sorry for total lack of response.


A Note from Helen


hola! again and again, my sincere thanks for always remembering kim and me. unfortunately, i won't be able to make it because of a previous engagement stan and i are attending. i have forwarded the invitation to kim.

...continue to walk, skip and run in beauty!

my best regards to everyone!




A Note from Bill Atkison

Hey Louie,

I hope that retirement and life are treating you well. Life is treating mewell, and retirement is some time off still :-( > >

I'll miss you all this year; I'll be doing a swim meet down in Long Beach that weekend.

Speaking of which, Tony, haven't seen you on the blocks for awhile! Not that I should talk, I spent this year rehabbing my shoulder. Have a good time, and hope to make an ESL event again soon,



A Note from Nancy

Hello, Lou

I can't make the reunion this year, dang it, but I will be thinking about everyone and hope somebody takes pictures to share. I do have a few pieces of memorabilia and will take pictures of them and send them along to your address. One is a clock that is engraved with my (former) name and "CM Task Force Team"; a bronze coin engraved with "ESL - Excellence, Service, Leadership"; my 10-year service award, a turquoise and silver pendant; and (if I can find it) an ESL note pad! Actually, I can send 'em if you like and pick them up when I come down between Christmas and New Years. You know, it's funny how I have held on to everything from ESL -- those years with you and the gang were really priceless to me. I even have a few of those security update forms we had to fill out occasionally! :-D

Love ya, Nancy

A Note from Mike Forster

Thanks, but I won't be able to make it this year. Have a great time!


A Note from Les

Hi Lou,

I was hoping that since Thanksgiving was early this year that I might be able to make it to the reunion. Unfortunately, I have a business trip this week that will prevent me from coming. Please tell everyone that I'm alive and well and wish very much that I could join you.



A Note from Gary

Hello Louie

Good to hear from you, I trust all is well and you are enjoying retirement. I was planning on attending the IDIMS gathering, but circumstances here negate that plan. I have a small, but interesting consulting business applying some of the technology we developed at ESL to the natural resources field. I am finishing up a three year fuel mapping project covering some 1.5 million acres.

We have a major meeting scheduled for mid December and we have not even seen the final product yet. Actually the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is downloading the data now. We will be evaluating it over the next two weeks.

Please give my regards to all in attendance at the IDIMS annual get-to-gather. It is amazing to me how many different technology areas ESL was involved in that are now considered routine fair. Another example that the first providers rarely get to reap the real benefits.

My best regards,

Gary Gnauck

A Note from Dennis

Hi Louis,

Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it to the imagery reunion. I'll be at my 38th consecutive Cal-Stanford game, and probably going out with friends afterward. Have fun.


A Note from Kim

Hi Louie,

Helen forwarded me your email. I have really irritated my back and so am not comfortable sitting these days so I will have to pass on the dinner this year. But thanks for the invite and hopefully next year I will be feeling better and able to attend.
