News from Others

A Note from Linda Thisted

Sounds like fun. Say hi to everyone for me. Thanks for keeping in touch.



A Note from John Adams

We already had commitments with people visiting from out of town so we won't be able to attend.

Keep bugging me I will make it one of these times. I did get down to see Putt during his last weeks.



A Note from Naomi Handa

Sorry, I can't make it. Thanks


A Note from Dave West

We won't be in the area this year - darn it! Please say hello to all.


A Note from Jan And Bob Fabini

We will not be able to come to the IDIMS xmas get together yet again. Life is just too wild with my aging parents and other obligations. Please send our best wishes to all for us. We did connect with Les when he was here last month. It was great to see him, and hope you all have a great time!

Regards from us, Jan and Bob...

P.S. Richard is working for a small company north of San Diego... Aptera, building high mileage vehicles. Doug is a sophomore at Cal, and Ellen is in 8th grade! 

A Note from Henry Cordova

It was good to hear from you, your note brought back memories of a very productive and rewarding time of my life, and of many dear colleagues and friends. Please pass my greetings to the ESL/IDIMS gang. I am happy to hear that you still get together and keep in touch, it is a testament to the camaraderie we shared, and a bittersweet reminder for me of how much I miss Northern California. That was a good time for me, a cutting-edge career, a pretty new wife, and San Francisco Bay.

I am still working as a public servant in municipal government in Florida;  well, a paper-shuffling bureaucrat, anyway ... I am at most a few years from retirement. My life has changed little since your last visit to Florida,  I'm still married to Sandy, and  I have continued with my writing hobby. The link below is to a catalogue of my published works.

Thanks for looking me up, and give Louie, Louie my warmest regards. Please forgive me for sharing an anecdote with you of my first day at ESL, sometime late in 1983:

It was my orientation, and I was being introduced to my new colleagues. Of course, everything was a blur, but one incident was pressed into my memory. I was introduced to Louie, who was sitting at his terminal, one spectacle lens,  thick as a submarine porthole, was actually pressed against the glass of the CRT, while he furiously touch-typed the keyboard. Whoever was showing me around said, "And this is Louis Martin, one of our ace image processing programmers."   From that moment on, I knew I was going to like working there.

Henry Cordova, Principal Planner
Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization Division
Environmental Protection & Growth Management Department
115 S. Andrews Avenue, Room 329H
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
Tel:  954-357-6661
Fax: 954-357-6228

A Note from Liz (Cooper) Ohlmann

I am Liz Ohlmann (married), was Liz Cooper and a member of the IDIMS team in the 80's. Perhaps you remember me? I recently was in touch with Brian Oye and he directed me here. Would love to see everyone again!


A Note from Tom & Michele Pruden

Darn, but this year just isn't going to work for us.

It pains me and I'll miss you guys, but it'll have to wait until next year.

Have a great time and say HI to the troops.


Tom & Michele

A Note from Ron Zolman

Thanks for the invite. I will not be able to make this year's reunion. Please say hi to those that might remember me. Keep me posted, I sure enjoy the updates.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Ron Zollman

A Note from Kim Rogers

Sorry but things have been out-of-sorts. I have to take Frank to a lot of doctor appointments because he can't drive. I think we'll have to pass this year but thanks for the invite and hope we can join you all next year.

Give my regards to everyone.


A Note from Helen Choy

hola! i'm sorry but i won't be able to make it saturday. please give my jolly regards to all during this festive occasion. muchisimas gracias for always keeping the awesome idims group together!


helen choy

A Note from Aurelio Gomez

I am not in touch with anyone from the old ESL days. I did see Pat Ross about one year ago. We had a brief talk but nothing more. Pat has my phone number and email but has never replied. Oh well.

I am very surprise and greatly sadden to hear of the passing of Bob Putnam. Bob was a great person. He and Larry Hubble made me feel part of the group. I have very fond memories of Bob and the whole ESL group. I sometimes regret leaving ESL all those years ago. Have you seen Larry Hubble or others. How is Louie doing? What about Jim Burke, Andy, Tony, Rich Fresbie, Mark, Bob and Jan?

About eight months ago, Dolores and I were eating at a fast foods place in Sunnyvale on El Camino. I noticed a couple in the place. The gentleman looked familar but I could not for the life of me place him or shake that feeling. When we and the other couple left the place, the gentleman held the door open for all of us, I thanked him and the feeling became stronger. I sat in our car watching the couple leave. After the couple left, I then released that the gentleman reminded me of Larry Hubble. To this day, I regret not saying something to the gentleman. If that was you Larry, I am greatly embarrassed.

Dolores and I are doing fine considering the current economy. Dolores is still working at Kaiser Hospital in the business department. She will retire in about one year. I was laid off from HP over seven years ago. Many companies were downsizing at that time and the job market looked bad. It turned out to be a blessing. My father was very ill at the time. I was able to spend all my time with him before he passed away. That was over six years ago and I still miss him greatly.

I worked at odd jobs during this period. I landed a non-tech job with the police department at a local junior college. I have been working there for over two years. Every day something new occurs. I plan to work there for about five to seven more years before retiring.

Dolores and I are grandparents from David's two girls Rosie (5yrs) and Maya (3yrs). They keep us busy and wear us out when they visit or when we babysit. We wouldn't have any other way. Our single daughter, Laura, currently lives in Philadelphia, PA and came home for Christmas. We visited her this year when we vacationed in New York, Philadelphia and Boston for two weeks.

After my father passed away, my mother went to live with my sister in Gilroy, CA for about five years. My mother is now living with us. Dolores suggested that my mother move in with us because things were not so great between my mother and my brother-in-law. Dolores and I were use to just us two and had no other responsibilities. We were use to doing spontaneous things like one day trips to Carmel and other things. That of course this has changed. We need to do more planning. But we still have our weekly day for ourselves.

I could go on for pages but I wont. I will spare you. Please keep in touch. It is always good to hear from you.

Aurelio Gomez
(408) 246-2678 (home)
(408) 464-7680 (cell)

Last Updated: January 6, 2008