News from Others

A Note from Nancy Merrick

Dear Lou and Tony:

I can't make the party this year, DARN IT!

Bob and I, new members of the Ashland Garden Club,  volunteered for refreshment duties at the Christmas bash here in Ashland on December 7. No biggie, we thought.  Yesterday we were told we need to do a ton of things as the coordinators of the event, including decorating the hall with Christmas wreaths, making 12 table centerpieces for the dining tables, coming up with door prizes, having a silent auction, and on and on. We are both dumbstruck. The making of the centerpieces occurs on the day of the Reunion!!

The only way we can get out of the above would be to 1) die, or 2) be seriously hurt in a plane crash, both of which options are beginning to sound attractive.

Thanks for the invite, have a wonderful time at the reunion, and pass on our regrets.

Love you two,


A Note from Gordon Norman

Hi Lou,

I regret that I will not be able to attend the 2009 reunion. Talk to you soon.


Last Updated: January 6, 2008