News from Others

A Note from Bob Devich

Sorry, we will be on vacation. The theme should really be baseball because this is the first time the Giants have won the World Series since 1954.

Bob and Char

A Note from Steve Leonard

Hi Lou,

Thanks for the invitation to the party. I cannot attend the reunion because I will be in Sacramento that weekend to see brothers of Rich. One of them is running the California marathon.

Take care, and I wish everyone the best in the coming yea


A Note from Les Daley

Thanks for keeping me on your mailing list. I probably cannot make it two years in a row but will be there in spirit. Please tell everyone that I said "Hi".

I expected to make at least one trip to California this year where I could either come the weekend before or stay the weekend after, but that has not happened (unless there is a last-minute surprise). I did make one trip in September, but it was last-minute and the other people that came for this meeting expected us all to stick together at night. So, I couldn't get away to see old friends. Well, not quite. There was one evening where I managed to slip off and spend a couple of hour with Jan and Bob. My manager is talking about resuming the annual get-together for the group that I work in for 2011. If so, I'll try to find time to get in touch with you.


A Note from Luise Van dyne

Sorry, we just moved to Stockton and we won't be able to make it this year. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas get together and wish you the best for 2011.


A Note from Bob & Nancy Shuck

>Lou, I can't make it to the reunion this year (sigh) but I will be thinking of all of you and hope the reunion is a blast. I do plan on coming down soon, though, and hope you'll be able to go out for lunch or dinner. I'll call you! Nancy


A Note from Greg Scott

Hi Lou,

I am sorry, my wife and I will be off celebrating our wedding anniversary.


A Note from Gordon Norman

Hi Lou,

>The market has not been doing very well as of lately, maybe it will turn the corner soon. As for the reunion, I am really tied up here so I will not be able to attend, sorry.


A Note from John Bumgarder

Hi Lou,

Sorry to be late but I have to go to San Diego on business that weekend.

Thanks for all you do to keep this group together with our disparate schedules!

Say hi to all for me. Idea: could you post notes from folks who can't make it? I would be happy to send a picture and paragraph if you could post it. That way I would be there ... Kinda.


A Note from Naomi Handa

Sorry I haven't contacted you Louie... I have been busy moving to Fresno. I don't know if I can make it since this weekend I need to get eveything cleaned out of my house in SJ. Say "hi" to everyone for me. I will talk to you later when I have everything moved and I will give you my new residence info.


A Note from Beulah

Dear Louie,

Thank you for the message about the IDIMS Reunion. I had had no information whether the affair was even going to be held this year, and couldn't find Fred's wesite. Was hoping that everything was OK with you people. I never received any emails about it and was worried. However, last May I stupidly wrenched my back while doing some gardening, lifting, and have been painfully out of commission ever since. I am improving now slowly and as of now I may be able to get a ride down to the reunion place and get in sometime during the evening to greet everybody. I will try to arrange that, but please do not plan any dinner for me. I love you all and will try to show up for a short time. I am sure my son will do me the favor if he has no other conflicting plans. Have a great time, y' all..


A Note from Andy Failla

Sorry Louie,

I just can't make it this year. Really wanted to see the group again. Give my very best to all - including you.


Last Updated: January 6, 2008