News from Others

A Note from Linda Thisted

24 years! Impressive. Say hi to everyone for us.

I am leaving today for Haiti, for a 5 day trip, with 4 others from my church. We have relationships with two other churches in Haiti and will visit each when we are there. It's always a challenge being there and it does make one appreciate how lucky we are to have been born in the U.S.

Hoping for a positive outcome in today's election. Remember watching Ronald Reagan together when I was living on the Stanford campus? How conservative he was then and how moderate he seems now...


Neal Reinders

Will not attend. I'm having arthroscopy surgery on Nov 20 for a Menisucus tear. Looks like I've had it for quite a while.  Flared up lately. I have an apartment alongside the Truckee river close to downtown.


A Note from Les Daley

Thanks for the invitation. Unfortunately, I doubt that I can make it this year. Please tell everyone that I think of them and wish I could be there.

I hope that things are going well for you. I don't have any big personal news, but I do have news about one of our former co-workers. If you remember Doug Faunt, he retired several years ago and took up a hobby of volunteering to crew on a replica of the tall sailing ship "Bounty". The "Bounty" visited Charleston, SC, in May 2012 and Doug was on her, so I drove down to see both Doug and the ship. The big news is that the "Bounty" was on the East coast when hurricane Sandy hit two weeks ago. As I hear fourth-hand, the captain thought that the ship would be safer at sea than in a harbor. I don't know what harbor they may have been near, but if you saw any of the coverage of the New Jersey and New York area, I can see why they thought that being in harbor may not be safe. Anyway, they apparently lost their engines, which made it impossible to pump the bilge fast enough to keep the ship from sinking and Doug was on it at the time. He was one of the crew that the Coast Guard rescued. Sad about the ship, but Doug is safe.

I'll try to get in touch the next time in California.


A Note from Ron Zolman

It's always nice to see your emails, thanks for including me. I will not be able to attend this years pot-luck, so tell all hello for me.

Happy Holidays,



A Note from Tom Pruden

Unfortunately, Michele and I will be staying in Utah for the rest of the year. It just isn't a travel year for us.

I'll miss y'all. Please give my regards to the guys and gals.

Tom and Michele

A Note from Nancy Shuck

Dear Lou, I apologize for not replying sooner (pre-dementia?). Bob and I just returned yesterday from a week in California with various relatives and, as much as I want to be at the reunion, I don't have the energy to make the trip again so soon. I am really sorry, dear Lou! The party sounds like a great time, though. Thanks again for emailing and I will be thinking of you all!


A Note from Luise Van dyne

Sorry for not answering you sooner. I'm sorry to say we will not be ablel to attend the Christmas party. We will be going to Monterey that week. Sounds like you'll be having fun. Lots of luck to you and wish you a Merry Christmas.


A Note from Helen Choy

it's been centuries, hasn't it? my apologies for not being able to make it this year but I'll be finishing up my two lit reviews for my current grad program. ...can't believe I'm working hard to finish up my MA in TESL at USF - one more semester.

...but I do send my best wishes to everyone. my gratitude for always remembering me - still remember our lovely times together many moons ago at ESL.

wishin' you a joyous holiday!


A Note from Les Daly about Doug Faunt

Doug Faunt was rescued by the Coast Guard from the ship Bounty that sank due to storm Sandy. I noticed that the Weather Channel is advertising that they will air the rescue of the people from the Bounty on their series Coast Guard. The episode about the Bounty is to air on Wednesday, December 5, 2012 8/7c pm. Luckily for us west coasters, the episode normally runs at 5 and 8 pm.
Season's Greetings,

Weather Channel Story Post On Yahoo

Note: Doug is on the far left side of the picture, center row, with the white beard and dark ski hat.


A Note from Henry Cordova

Thanks for sending me the news of the latest IDIMS reunion. It was good seeing a lot of the old faces (although I must confess I couldn't remember all their names!). It was also sad to see photos of those who are no longer with us.

Just a quick update on my own activities since I left California and ESL for those who may have missed my last communication. After I left ESL I worked briefly for GTE Government Systems in Mountain View, but was layed off in 1991.

I moved back to Florida and got involved with Geographic Information Systems in Charlotte County Government. In 1995 I accepted a position as GIS Manager at Broward County Government where I worked until my retirement in 2010.

I currently live in Tamarac, Florida, (A suburb of Fort Lauderdale) where I try to keep up with my old hobbies of sailing, celestial navigation, amateur astronomy, collecting star atlases and catalogues, listening to late 60s San Francisco psychedelic rock and roll and writing articles for boating and wildlife magazines. My latest is scheduled to appear in the Mar/Apr issue of Good Old Boat magazine.

Some of my other work is accessible through

I'm still married to the same girl (32 years next month!). Sandy sends you her greetings.

It's good to hear from you guys. My association with remote sensing and the IDIMS system, both at ESL, and as an image processing applications programmer and analyst at Gulf Research Labs, was the high point of my technical career. And I miss Northern California terribly.
