News from Others

A Note from Bob Devich

I hope all is well with and for you. Bob and I  are doing well. We are, again, unable to attend the annual reunion. We will be on our annual trek to Hawaii. Please pass along our well wishes to everyone. I am sure the event will be a success. Much love,

Bob and Charlotte

A Note from Mike Forster

Thanks, but I'll have to decline. We are having our own holiday party at home at exactly the same time. Happy holidays!


A Note from Steve Leonard

Hi Louis -- Although the reunion is the day after my birthday, my sister will be in town from Flagstaff and I will not be able to make it this year. I'll do my best to come next year when I will be retired. My plan is to retire June 5, 2015.

Hope to catch up with you before the end of the year, and high hopes we can get a bridge game with Paul and Brad.


A Note from Les Daley

I hope that you are going well. Thanks for keeping me on your mailing list. Making it to the reunion this year may not be possible, but I really will miss seeing everyone. Please give my regards everyone that is able to come.

Not much in the way of news about me. I'm doing almost the same things as I was doing this time last year. The only recent change is that I am now telecommuting almost full time. Even without the biweekly trips to the Johnson City, TN, office, I can't seem to manage to stay ahead of all of my obligations and chores. I'm paying bills and responding to personal e-mail tonight before leaving tomorrow to spend Thanksgiving week with my parents. I hope that you have an enjoyable Thanksgiving, too.

Say Hi to everyone for me!


A Note from Luise Van dyne

Thanks for the info. We will be attending our WWII War Brides Christmas Luncheon. thanks for thinking of us. Say hello to Jim Burke and company, and wish you all a Merry Christmas.

Harold and Luise

A Note from John Bumgarner

I am not in remission but rather, bedridden right now


A Note from Larry Hubble

I'm afraid I am installing a solar farm security system then, so will not be able to make it.

Anne is still up in Oregon taking care of her dad, so we are still constantly travelling back and forth.


A Note from Tom Pruden

Thanks for the invitation and follow-up. Michele and I would love to make it, but a couple things have conspired to make that impossible this year.

I'll be looking forward to next year's Reunion.


A Note from Vern Mastin

Hey Louie and Fred. How are you guys? Hope well. I've been keeping up with IDIMS news via Tom Kemper and occasional visits to the website but thought it was time to get on the list. So if you could add me I'd appreciate it. Hope your reunion this past Saturday was fun and successful. Was sadden to hear of Beulah's and Jim's passings. Great memories and wonderful people.

I'm retired now and living in Fort Worth the past four years. It has been an adjustment, especially the weather here in Texas. Was back in California in 2013 for family and vacation. Fred ~ still driving the Red Buick Skylark or was it a Special? I remember it well. What are you doing these days? How about you Louie?
